Rachael Rakena (Ngai Tahu, Nga Puhi)

Rachael Rakena (Ngai Tahu, Nga Puhi)

Associate Professor, Whiti o Rehua School of Art

Rachael Rakena is widely respected for her innovative use of digital and electronic media immersed in Māori tradition, culture and values. Her work has prompted a new term - toi rerehiko (literally 'electric brain'); a play on rorohiko, the Māori word for computer.

Rakena has exhibited internationally, including works at the Sydney Biennale, Venice Biennale, and Busan Biennale.

  • Research Highlights

    Rakena, RM. (2011, October). Maori Art Market 2011. Te Rauparaha Events Centre, Wellington, NZ.

    Rakena, RM. (2011, November). Poutereraki. (No. of Pieces: 5 + installation peices) Bartley and Company Art Gallery, Wellington.

    Rakena, RM., & Graham, B. (2011, February 11). Telecom Prospect 2007. (No. of Pieces: 16) City Gallery Wellington, NZ.

    Rakena, RM. (2011, September 14). Uncontainable {second nature}. (No. of Pieces: 1) Cumhuriyet At Gallery, Taksim Square, Istanbul, Turkey.

  • Qualifications
