Ben Howe

Ben Howe

Senior Lecturer and Music Industry Major Coordinator

Ben Howe has worked in the Music Industry and been an active musician for many years. He founded record label Arch Hill Recordings and co-founded Laneway Festival (in Aotearoa), Flying Out Music, The Others Way Festival, Independent Music New Zealand and the Going Global Music Summit. Ben is currently co-owner and Director of Flying Nun Records, where he has overseen operations since 2012. As a musician, Ben has performed and recorded with many bands, including Superette and White Swan Black Swan.

  • Expertise

    Music, music industry

  • Recent research successes

    Flying Nun Records 40th Anniversary (2021)
    Ben was Festival Director and Artist Curator for the Flying Nun Records 40th Anniversary Events held at the Auckland Town Hall and Michael Fowler Centre.

    Flying Nun Records Artist Curation (2021-onwards)
    Ongoing Flying Nun Records Artist Curation. 2021/2022 releases include Aldous Harding, Reb Fountain, Vera Ellen and catalog reissues by 3ds, The Chills, Bailter Space, Voom and many others.

    Flying Nun website
    Online written and video content creation – Flying Nun Records

  • Qualifications

    Masters in Anthropology (University of Auckland)

  • Professional affiliations or service roles

    Radio Active Board of Trustees

    NZ Music Commission Board of Trustees
    Chairperson of Independent Music NZ