Blake Johnston

Blake Johnston

Lecturer, Technology Major Coordinator, Te Rewa o Puanga School of Music and Creative Media Production

Blake Johnston is a sound artist, technologist, academic, and composer from Aotearoa. His practice sits at the intersection of experience design and emerging forms of technology, synthesising these fields to explore the perception of the audience. 

Blake specialises in teaching music technology, preproduction, prototyping, project development, installation, and composition.

  • Expertise

    Music technology, Installation, Media arts, Sound design, Composition.

  • Qualifications

    PhD (Victoria University of Wellington)

    Bachelor of Music with Honours, Sonic Arts (Victoria University of Wellington)

    Bachelor of Arts, Philosophy (Victoria University of Wellington)

  • Supervision

    Blake Johnston is currently open to supervision across a range of topics. He currently supervises honour students in music and creative media production.