Erna Stachl, Ngā Puhi

Erna Stachl, Ngā Puhi

Lecturer, Ngā Pae Māhutonga Wellington School of Design

Erna teaches across the undergraduate programme where her teaching has a focus on decolonisation and agency for marginalised communities and identities.

  • Expertise

    Decolonisation, indigeneity, gender, feminism, mana wāhine, class, toi Māori and art history/theory in Aotearoa, and intersectional discourse.

  • Qualifications

    Dip Ed (Auckland College of Education)
    BFA (Whanganui Regional Community Polytechnic)
    BA(Hons) (Victoria University of Wellington)
    MAD (Auckland University of Technology)

  • Supervision

    Erna is available for Master's supervision (see expertise).